Our New Coop

In May we are expecting 7 baby chicks and we are thrilled!  There's nothing like the taste of eggs fresh from your backyard.  I've spent the last month planning, designing and building a chicken coop for them to call home. 

I've never built something of this size before but wanted to give it a try.  I honestly designed as I went along, no plan, nothing.  Well, I kinda had a plan but it kept getting tossed cause it wasn't working.  And it was going to be painted white but then I received the Williams-Sonoma Agrarian catalog in the mail and I fell in love with cedar, which happened to be on sale at Lowes.  So there ya go...

I was trying to keep it easy and cheap.  And it's not perfect but nothing I ever build is.  It will do it's job and that's what matters.  The bricks were all found and I just did a random boring pattern because I don't have a brick cutter and didn't want to mess with it.

I'm crazy about the barn door on the end.

Can't wait to collect eggs here with my youngest.  :)

I really like red with cedar so I picked out this hibiscus plant to make it pop.

My hubby, who is still recovering from heart problems, bought me this beautiful peach tree and watching it come alive with blooms makes me smile.

I still have to add sand underneath the coop and finish up a couple of details and then it's ready for the chicks.

That's it for now!

Any of you raise chickens?   Any advice or suggestions? 

What have you been up to??


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