Vintage Schoolhouse Map and Our Grand Opening

If you have read our blog for awhile, you know that I have a love of vintage pull down school maps.  I've even made a few myself since they are usually way out of our price range.  Imagine my surprise when my hubby came home with 6 of them a couple of weeks ago that he picked up at a garage sale in the rain.  Talk about luck.  We kept 3 and the other 3 are going up for sale in our shop.  They are all absolutely gorgeous and date from the 1940's to 1960.  And their condition is amazing.  So are their colors.  One of the maps is exactly the color scheme that we have in our master bedroom/home office. 

So, of course, that's where I put it.  I don't usually include this little home office corner of our master bedroom in photos because, well, I've never been very happy with it. I mean, who wants a computer, printer and all that mess in the bedroom.  Not me.  I'd love to have a separate room for our office but this is what we have and we just try to make it work.  But I am loving the map in this space.  It's the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning which makes me happy.

These photos aren't the best because I had to take them at night.  We are working day and night practically to have our shop ready for it's grand opening this Saturday, October 13.  Wow, I can't believe that it's almost here.  :)

We are trying to make our Grand Opening Celebration really special.   I showed you this table in my dining room fall decor post that I put together using bowling alley floor remnants and plumbing pipe.  We will be giving it away during a drawing in the store Saturday. 

We will also have snacks and beverages for those that wander in.  This will be a very special day for us and we want our customers to feel special, as well.

I will be sharing photos of the store later in the week.  We aren't quite finished setting everything up so stay tuned.  And I really hope some of you will make the trip and stop in and say hi!

Have a wonderful day....


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