Beautiful Vintage Coffee Grinder and More

Happy Friday!  I don't know about you but I'm so ready for the weekend.  
Today I wanted to blog about a few cool pieces my hubby 
picked up at an auction last weekend. 
The first is this amazing 100 year old Hobart industrial coffee grinder.

This thing weighs around 90 pounds!  And the best thing is that it works perfectly.  
I had asked my hubby to keep an eye out for a cool vintage coffee grinder for our shop because we are wanting to have coffee available to our customers and I thought it would be really fun to freshly grind the beans in a vintage mill.  
Then he came home with this beauty and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to give it up.  :)

I love the lines.....

Another piece he brought home is this steamer trunk.

We've always wanted one and he loved this one.  It needs a few minor repairs 
but I can't wait to find a special place for it.

And he also found these vintage wool Navy blankets.  They are so soft, believe it or not.  I'm not usually a fan of wool but I love these.  

I also wanted to share with you a new member of our family.

I'm the first to admit, I'm not a cat person, never have been.  But a couple of weeks ago, when I went to open the blinds in the kitchen one morning, 
this was what I saw on the table outside.

He seemed to be a stray and without a family and had made himself quite at home in my little toolbox.  He was so sweet and we all immediately fell in love with him.  I don't know much about cats but he is so lovable and really loves attention.  
He crawls up in our laps whenever we sit down.

And whenever I'm outside working on a project, I look down 
and this is what I see every time....

Those sweet green eyes looking up at me. 
He lays at my feet no matter what I'm doing.
He has stolen our hearts, already.
And he loves to play for the camera.

Silly cat....  :)
We've never had pets (except an outdoor rabbit)
because our kids always had allergies when they were younger. 
Now that they've grown out of them, we've decided to adopt this little guy 
and they are so happy.
How can you not fall in love with that face?

Have a great weekend!



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