Vintage Ammo Boxes

Hey there all!  I wanted to share with you some photos of a vintage ammo box that hubby found the other day in a storage building he won in a silent auction.   I really liked the stencil on the box, as well as, the wood and the rope handles.  It had a somewhat beachy look to it so I put it in our living room on our white desk turned console table that I built.
The inside said something about cannons so I'm assuming it contained cannon balls at one time.  I really like the shape of the box and it doubles for storage, too.  
It would be perfect for TV remotes, if we had a TV in there.  :)
Plus, I'm loving the wood accents with the white colors I have in the room.  
 Aren't the rope handles pretty cool?
This is another similar box we have that belonged to my dad.  
I love the pale blue color, the chipped paint and the dovetail corners.  I also think it's pretty cool that it has my birth month and day on it, May 20.  I was not born in 1940 though. :)
I also like the metal hardware.  My hubby uses this box to store his smaller found treasures 
which I think is perfect for such a special box.

Have any of you come across these kinds of boxes?  What do you use them for?


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