Dining Room Finds

Hey there!  Happy first day of the LOVE month!  Speaking of love, my amazing man brought home more loot this past week from his picking adventures and put it in storage.  I was able to go check it out over the weekend and pick what I wanted out of it.  I came across this huge wood frame that I HAD to have.   As soon as I stumbled across it, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it.
Yes, I know, chalkboards are everywhere but I really don't care and this thing makes me so happy.  Plus, I am so inspired by this quote from one of my cookbooks.  I have this quote on another chalkboard at our shop to inspire me while I work on bread boards.
I also picked out this vintage wood cutlery tray and silver tray.  I didn't get a good shot of the silver tray but I love it and that sucker is so heavy.  And it goes perfectly with our vintage silver flatware.
I think this might just be my favorite corner of the house. 
To make the chalkboard, I simply attached a piece of plywood that I had painted with chalkboard paint to the back of the frame and stapled.  Voila.
Getting ready to give the kids rooms an overhaul and I. Can't. Wait.  
Still working on the stairs, too.  I loved all of your suggestions on our stair project, thank you!  I think we've decided to stain the treads a dark color and paint the risers a decorators white.  But that's not a done deal yet.  Stay tuned!
Have a lovely day!


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