Vintage Industrial Railroad Cart

Hey there everybody!  Is anyone else slightly overwhelmed by the fact that it's almost Christmas?  I'm sure hoping that some of you are as behind as I am?  I always have such great plans to make everyone's gifts, bake cookies with my kiddos, spend time planning teacher appreciation gifts, buy presents, etc., but by this time every December, I've done none of that and I rush to get it all done at the last minute, forgetting what Christmas is about in the first place.  Shame on me.

Somehow I found the time to work on the vintage industrial railroad cart that hubby brought home.  We were so blessed to receive 3 of them as a gift from one of my biggest bread board suppporters.  He gave us three of them and I just couldn't wait to get to work on one of them.  Luckily, it didn't really need much work.  I just cleaned it, sanded it, coated it with Minwax special walnut stain and polyurethaned the top and hardware.  Then we brought it inside to use as a coffee table in our living room.  I have always wanted one of these ever since seeing the ridiculously high priced one at Restoration Hardware.  Here's how it looks in it's new home.
We are so excited about this piece and will cherish it forever because it was given to us.

I'm off to catch up with Christmas!  Have a great day everyone!


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