Hey there! When we first found our home 6 years ago, I was absolutely in love with this side porch off the kitchen. At the time of course, it looked awful because it was in the middle of being renovated, but, I saw what it could be. I pictured pots of delicious herbs just waiting to be harvested for cooking, a cozy table to enjoy lunch or a morning cup of tea or coffee, or just a place to sit and read. Funny thing was, it wasn't until now, 6 years later, that I finally filled the porch with those things. I have no idea why. We have a large vegetable garden in our backyard, complete with herbs, so, it never occurred to me to also have some on the porch. My hubby came home the other day with a crate that he found beside the road that I just loved. I had it sitting on the porch for a few days waiting until I decided what to do with it when I realized how much I loved it on the porch. And an idea was born; fill it with unique herbs that I don'...
Hey there! Hope everyone is enjoying their day. I thought I would share some photos of our backyard garden with you as that is where we are spending most of our time these days since it's SUMMER! Yay! Gardening is a huge passion of mine. Our kids have even been bitten by the gardening bug. Hubby and I have had a vegetable garden since we first married 20 years ago, no matter where we live. We kinda follow the square foot gardening plan in that we built 4' x 4' boxes for our vegetables. That's about it. I don't really plant something per square foot. This works for us. As you can see, we finally finished the privacy fence and oh how we love it. We still have some landscaping to do in the back corner where our compost bin is. All the veggies are coming along nicely, which is a far cry from last summer when everything completely burned up with the hotter than hades summer. The heirloom tomatoes blooms are settin...
Patience. Not a word I would use to describe myself when it comes to projects. My husband would agree. :) Remember this wood I showed you last week ? Imagine my surprise when I cut into it and realized it was pure gorgeous walnut. Well, my hubby and middle son went out of town this past weekend for a sports event and I decided I was going to get to work on the project I had in mind while they were away so I could surprise him when they returned. The walnut discovery had me so excited, I just couldn't wait to get started. Silly me thought it would be something I could easily tackle myself. Wrong. While I show you pictures of the finished project, you should know that getting to that point was somewhat of a nightmare. For starters, I couldn't get the previous cabinet off the wall. So, I had to call in a neighbor to help out with that after I fell off the counter. Because the wood is so extremely heavy, I really had no idea what k...
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