A Special Announcement

Hey everyone!  We wanted to share some exciting news with you as this probably wouldn't have seemed possible without all of you wonderful readers.

If you read our blog regularly, you all know what an amazing "picker" my hubby is.  In fact, he has a storage building bursting at the seams full of his finds from over time.  And you also know my love for transforming his finds into something unique and special, as well as my love for designing and building furniture along with my bread boards. 

Because of the unbelievable success of those bread boards and his amazing picking skills, we have decided to go for our dreams and open a new business right here on Main Street.  And all of his finds and my creations, will be available there! 
We signed the papers yesterday and get to start fixing up this cute little shop today!  We can't wait to get started.  We're hoping that in the next few months, we'll have everything ready.  It has so much potential and of course, I'll be blogging about it along the way.  We're doing everything ourselves so hopefully, we won't run into too many road blocks.

My hubby will be able to do something he has always dreamed about and I will finally have a place in the back, indoors, to work on my bread boards and furniture pieces.  With it beginning to get cold, our gravel carport "studio" just wasn't cutting it.  And I won't be annoying our neighbors anymore with noisy power tools.  :)  Actually, we have the most supportive neighbors EVER.

So, that's the big news, and we are pretty darn excited.  This would not even have been something we would have dared consider if it wasn't for all of YOU and your encouragement along the way.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!  We are so grateful. 
I'll blog about the inside soon so stay tuned!

Have a great day!


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