Mini French Inspired Bread Board Set

Happy Monday everyone!  Did you have a good weekend?  We experienced our first earthquake Saturday night and let me just say, I'm not a fan.  Hubby slept through it but our boys were a little unsettled, as was I.   Pretty sure I'd rather poke my own eye with a stick than experience one again. :)

Anyway, I'm so excited to show you a few new bread boards that I've been working on that are now available in my shop!  I have always admired french cheese boards but they are always out of my price range.  So I decided to come up with a set of mini bread boards that are inspired by my favorites. 

I'm crazy about these and I hope you will love them as much as I do.  I also decided to add a large maple bread board to my shop.  I've started purchasing my maple from the same supplier that I purchase my walnut and I think the wood is just gorgeous.  I couldn't be more happy with it.  The colors running through the grain of the wood are stunning.

And so many of you have sent emails requesting me to make a longer version of my medium walnut bread board and a wider version of my large walnut board, so I did! 

All the info regarding my new bread boards can be found in my shop.   Click here if you'd like to purchase one of these.  And as usual, I've also added more of my other bread boards! 

I worked on some fun things this weekend that I'm excited to show you.  And because we can all use some extra $ during this time of year, I'm giving away a $50 Visa Gift Card later in the week!  I can't believe how fast time is flying.  It will be Christmas before you know it!  Has anyone started shopping yet? 

Have a great day friends!


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