Kids Snack Tray Ideas

Happy Friday everyone!  Just wanted to share a fun idea with you in a short post today.

I came across these old metal trays going through a box of junk and I thought surely they could be used for something. 
They've certainly seen better days, right?  Anyway, I grabbed a can of this.....
And gave each one a few coats and let dry (after I gave them a good cleaning).  Here's what I did with them....
I thought it would be fun to use them for snack trays for the kiddos.  My older children are, well, too old to enjoy them, but my youngest is certainly having fun using them for his after school snack.  Include a piece of chalk and they can have a little fun while eating their snack or meal.  If you have a lot of them, they would also be lots of fun for a kids party. 

Have a great day and weekend!

P.S.  Our $50 Visa Gift Card Giveaway is still going on so if you haven't left a comment on this post to enter, be sure to do so before Sunday!


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