Amore Sign

Hey there!  I worked on a little project over the weekend that I wanted to share.  I've been crazy about this painting ever since I first saw it a few years ago. 
And even though I love it, it's just a little too modern for the decor in our home.  So, I created my own version that is a little more us.
I started by cutting down 1 x 4's to a 3 foot length, laying them side by side and attaching with supportive beams in the back that were made from the left over pieces that were cut off.  I attached everything with screws in the back.   Then I stained the entire piece with Minwax special walnut stain and let dry.

Next, I printed out the letters from a word program on my computer.  I don't remember the name of the font but I enlarged it to around 700 so it would fill the entire page.  I cut them out and used the cut out letters as a stencil.  I placed the letters where I wanted them and then, using a stencil brush, painted around the letters with Glidden pebble gray paint. 

After that dried, I dry brushed different areas with plain white paint and added some white detail to the letters, as well.  After that was dry, I applied a glossy sealer over the entire piece and voila! 

I'm super happy with it and instead of being over $3000 like the inspiration painting, my version cost me less than 10 bucks to make.  We hung it upstairs because frankly, that area is drab and probably one of the most neglected areas of our home when it comes to decorating.  Usually, it's the place that furniture I'm tired of gets banished to.
But this fun sign is inspiring me to do something up there, though I'm not sure what, it will be fun to figure it out!  And I love that this is the first thing you see when walking up the stairs.
What do you think?  Any of you with an upstairs, do you neglect it and instead spend more time decorating downstairs? 

I can't leave without saying thank you for all the sweet and encouraging comments and emails I received yesterday about yesterday's post.  Thank you sweet friends!  You put a big ol' smile on my face!

Have a great day!!


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